2019 Australia Tsim Tsim -DEGE Flooring

Tsim BUILD Expo 2019, 14 - 16 Tsib Hlis 2019, International Convention Center (ICC) Sydney, Darling Harbour.

Design BUILD coj Australia cov kws tshaj lij tshaj lij Architects, Developers thiab Construction professionals ua ke.Tsis tsuas yog txuas rau hauv txoj kev ua tau zoo tshaj plaws, tab sis txhim kho cov qauv kev lag luam tag nrho.Lub sijhawm tseem ceeb rau kev sib txuas nrog cov phooj ywg, cov ntaub ntawv zoo, hnov ​​​​txog kev cai lij choj hloov tshiab, thiab tau txais kev nkag siab txog cov khoom ntiag tug, Design BUILD yog lub hauv paus ntawm kev lag luam.

Raws li tsuas yog kev mob siab rau kev lag luam nthuav qhia kom coj los ua ke cov neeg tuaj koom tsim nyog ntawm ntau dua 7,000 tus kws tshaj lij, Tsim Kev Tsim Kho yog lub platform rau cov tuam txhab thiab cov neeg muag khoom los nthuav tawm lawv cov khoom thiab cov ntaub ntawv rau cov kev lag luam tseem ceeb.


Nrog cov neeg koom tes qub thiab cov phooj ywg tshiab txhawb nqa, DEGE FLOOIRNG hauv Design BUILD Expo 2019 tau nyob hauv qhov chaw tawg paj.

DEGE cov khoom lag luam zoo, sib txawv hauv pem teb npog, kev paub txog kev ua haujlwm nrog rau kev pabcuam tomqab muag tag nrho muab peb cov neeg koom tes nrog kev koom tes nrog tus nqi ntxiv.

DEGE Flooring, koj tus khub txhim khu kev qha ntawm flooring hauv Suav teb.


Nyob rau xyoo 2019, DEGE Flooring tuaj koom lub Exhibition.Lub sijhawm no, tshwj tsis yog cov khoom siv hauv pem teb, DEGE Flooring tseem yuav coj cov khoom tshiab, zoo li cov flooring tsis muaj dej, SPC flooring / Rigid core flooring nrog kev txhim kho thev naus laus zis, zoo li EIR nto, Ntev ntev. SPC flooring, Extra wide SPC flooring, SPC flooring with IXPE, SPC flooring with cork as well the trend leading decors suited the Australia Market.


Puas yog koj tab tom nrhiav rau lub Hoobkas uas ua raws li kev lag luam?

Koj puas xav nrhiav tus khub uas tuaj yeem muab kev txhawb nqa rau koj?

Puas yog lub sijhawm them nqi los tham nrog kev muag khoom tsis zoo txawm tias muaj lus Askiv tsis zoo?

Tuaj thiab mus saib DEGE FLOORING ntawm qhov chaw, koj yuav pom koj qhov kev daws teeb meem kawg ib zaug hauvDEGE Flooring.


Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: Plaub Hlis-15-2021